
Showing posts from November, 2022

Chapter 13: Marketing Campaigns and more

 In this chapter, we combined the numerous forms of media we used over the semester to create coherent and concise campaigns. In this chapter we look at the concept of IMC campaigns, and saw how strictly social campaigns were growing. Grabbing this growing trend, we looked at the AIDA model and some of it's successes. In the first section, we are reintroduced to the other forms of marketing, such as personal selling and advertising. Seeing social media take their side seems to complete the picture, despite the rise of social media only campaigns. This places an increased emphasis on the execution of a great social campaign. The AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) model can be used to drive social media promotion, taking us through the steps from first notice to purchase. Taking time to consider this when creating a social media strategy can positively influence the campaign, potentially saving a call to action for the right moment.  In my favorite section, we hear the storie

Week 14: Over the River

 My Thanksgiving break this year was eventful and much needed, even if it started in a frenzy. At 3:15 on Thursday I found out that the snowstorm on my route home through Buffalo had gotten considerably worse, and if I was going to make it home atall, it had to be today. After a quick lift, I packed an emergency bag for the next week and hopped in the car to race home. After making it across to Cleveland, I met my first snow, and it stayed with me to the New York state line, where I headed east. Moving inland across the state, I quickly ran out of it but found myself on an unknown backroad connecting two highways. After quite literally making it out of the woods, I pulled into Rochester, New York at around 1:15 to get some rest at my childhood best friends. After spending the day there, I headed home to greet family and catch up with the dog. Over the next few days I focused on work, and traveled a bit to see old relatives and friends. Lucy however, was not so friendly, as she seemed u

Week 13: Tournament Tilts and Winter Weather

 The past week has been a fun one in Ada, as winter has begun to set in. Towards the end of last week rumors of snow started flying around, creating a lot of buzz on campus. Starting on Friday, I am pretty confident I have seen snow in the air every day since. Over the weekend I had the opportunity to man the concession stand at a variety of games over the two days, mostly the NCAA Men's Soccer tournament that was in town. On a pair of cold and snowy days, the entire team showed out to provide hot chocolate, hot dogs, and more to the huddled masses. Ultimately men's soccer won both of their games on PK's, advancing to the next round, and football won their season finale as well. Outside of this, my week has been filled with preparations for thanksgiving break. Getting the apartment ready to leave has been more of a task than I thought, as I am largely tackling it alone. Cleaning out the fridge, do every last dish, clean the house, pack for home, and more! Despite the work,

Chapter 12: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts and More

As a kid, I had always viewed blogs, vlogs, and podcasts as a hobby for folks to keep up with their friends. Before reading this chapter, I viewed them through the lens of podcasts that I see today, like BarstoolSports. This chapter has shown me the importance of blogs in a professional setting, and how marketers can take advantage of them. I found the webinar section to be very familiar, as I have done a good deal of work with them at Kerecis. We typically will set up these events have influential doctors within the wound or burn fields to provide testimony on our product to other doctors, in hopes of their future use. These events drive our lead production wether being held virtually, in-person, or both. It was great to see the effort that is put into the webinar series is backed up by statistics, and many of the benefits align with our marketing objectives as well. I also found the concept of promoting these channels to be interesting, as it seems to be marketing for a marketing ser

Chapter 11: Time for TikTok

 TikTok has always been something of an enigma for me. Until around mid-2021, I refused to join the platform, as I saw the way it could consume time, deciding that I was addicted enough to my phone. As time went by, I eventually got tired of getting sent things I could access, and downloaded TikTok. I'm still very conscious about my usage of the app, spending around an hour a week using it. I find that the seamless transition between your feed and ads is a very dangerous aspect of the platform, but also makes it ideal for marketing.  Per usual, I found the algorithm to be the most interesting segment of this chapter, as I believe that it is the core of these platforms. I thought that it was most interesting that account size is not a factor, allowing videos to fight for attention based on information and interactions alone. This allows the platform to be an avenue for smaller or follower companies to compete on an even field with their larger counterparts.  The advertising segment

Week 12: Illness Abound

 My past week has been filled with tissues, pills, and Jerry Seinfeld as I have been sick with and recovering from some pretty major illness. Luckily, other than giving me a nasty cough and confining me to my room, the time out of class provided me with an opportunity to catch up on back work and personal projects. The biggest win of these was finally beginning my application process for internships next summer, hoping to land somewhere in Europe. I was able to find roles I hope to fill with companies in Milan, Italy and Toulouse, France. Having already gained a background in international business this summer working with Icelanders, I am eager to go abroad and gain more experience.  Outside of this, I spent some time taking care of the previously mentioned Gnocchi, as his owner was out of town for the weekend. It was nice to get to know him better, as I have not been over there enough in past weeks. He is an incredibly sweet cat, and a good companion. I apologize for the brevity this

Week 11: Halloween in Ada

 The past week in Ada has been a great deal of fun as fall has been setting in. With Halloween sneaking up on me, I spent Thursday evening in Lima looking for a costume. Over the weekend, the team wore the costume for a few events across campus, so I could not disappoint. With absolutely no idea who to be, and a hatred for store bought costumes, I walked into the Goodwill with hopes of pulling something together. I was able to find myself a Canadian Tuxedo, and ran off to Spirit Halloween in hopes of finding a wig. With a bit of rummaging I found one, nearly completing my costume as Bob Ross. On Saturday I was able to borrow some art supplies from a friend to complete the costume. On Friday, we held a costume scrimmage, where the team all unveiled our costumes. We had groups of bananas (who were featured on a major lacrosse culture instagrams), chefs, Sesame Street, and more all in attendance. To complete the Bob Ross costume, I teid the wig to the top of my helmet, leaving it bobbing

Chapter 10: You Can with Youtube
