Week 12: Illness Abound

 My past week has been filled with tissues, pills, and Jerry Seinfeld as I have been sick with and recovering from some pretty major illness. Luckily, other than giving me a nasty cough and confining me to my room, the time out of class provided me with an opportunity to catch up on back work and personal projects.

The biggest win of these was finally beginning my application process for internships next summer, hoping to land somewhere in Europe. I was able to find roles I hope to fill with companies in Milan, Italy and Toulouse, France. Having already gained a background in international business this summer working with Icelanders, I am eager to go abroad and gain more experience. 

Outside of this, I spent some time taking care of the previously mentioned Gnocchi, as his owner was out of town for the weekend. It was nice to get to know him better, as I have not been over there enough in past weeks. He is an incredibly sweet cat, and a good companion.

I apologize for the brevity this week, being in seclusion for most of it. I'll be sure to have more for you next week!


  1. It is crazy how quickly illness tends to spread around campus this time of year. Most of the people i'm friends are sick or have been sick and it happens every year. Hope you are feeling better


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