Summer of Midnight Sun: Chapter Fifteen - The Bungee Cord Country

As classes are coming to a close, this is the last blog I actually HAVE to write for class. Once an arduous task two years ago, I've come to enjoy and look forward to writing whether they were about my week or reminiscing on my travels abroad. Looking into the future for this page, I hope to post occasionally.

When leaving Iceland my coworker, and ultimately my close friend, Maik joked that Iceland is a bungee cord in the sense that it yanks people back as fast as they left. I've been experiencing it firsthand, and in some ways, I've expressed it through this blog. It's been a great outlet as I've been getting pulled back, and has driven me to find a way back.

As of today, I'm working with my employer to go back to Iceland for Christmas break, helping to cover for some people leaving for vacation. I'd be happy to go back, as it offers up an opportunity to create a contract for myself back in Reykjavik or Hamburg, Germany, and see the northern lights on the company’s dime. On top of that, I've got a bunch of friends in Iceland who I miss dearly. I can't wait to get back to the rock and keep exploring!!


  1. Gabe, good luck with finishing up the semester and your travels! I'm sure it will be unique to be in Iceland over Christmas.


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