Chapter 6 Analysis: Thoughts on Twitter

 Having recently joined Twitter, this chapter was the most interesting to me thusfar, as it was filled with tips that can help me personally use the app. Furthermore, the company I oresently do work for has a large presence on the platform, so I spend a decent bit of my time working on Twitter postings. Typically I make evergreen content, but occasionally I'm able to make more broad posts about.

Depending less upon photo content, the Components of a Tweet section caught my eye. Showing the various types of posting and the tagging necessary, the section shows us the advantages of the unique setup. By putting the emphasis on the caption, brands and people are likely to have their voices and message heard more clearly. This immediately rolled into the algorithm section, where we now see a complex algorithm that considers recency, relevance, engagement, graphics, followers, and even location to the user. 

For me, the most interesting section of the chapter was the Success Stories, as it began to show the variety of approaches that companies can take when using the platform. Wendy's is one of the most famous users of the platform, consistently serving up witty, backhanded remarks. They have used Twitter to promote events like their 2017 #wendysbracket, in which they facilitated a bracket pool via twitter, leading to a large amount of traffic for their account.


  1. I knew the least about twitter also, so I found this chapter very interesting. I like that Twitter gives you the option to take a professional or casual route. I also enjoyed the success story about Wendy's being casual and extremely successful because of it. Another example of how important brand voice is and the impact it makes.


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