Chapter 11: Time for TikTok

 TikTok has always been something of an enigma for me. Until around mid-2021, I refused to join the platform, as I saw the way it could consume time, deciding that I was addicted enough to my phone. As time went by, I eventually got tired of getting sent things I could access, and downloaded TikTok. I'm still very conscious about my usage of the app, spending around an hour a week using it. I find that the seamless transition between your feed and ads is a very dangerous aspect of the platform, but also makes it ideal for marketing. 

Per usual, I found the algorithm to be the most interesting segment of this chapter, as I believe that it is the core of these platforms. I thought that it was most interesting that account size is not a factor, allowing videos to fight for attention based on information and interactions alone. This allows the platform to be an avenue for smaller or follower companies to compete on an even field with their larger counterparts. 

The advertising segment also grabbed my attention, as I found data confirming the grip that the app holds. Statistics for the Ad service, like 2/3 of respondents saying TikTok ads capture their attention, imply the captivating nature of the application.


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