Chapter 14: Influencer Impact

     This chapter took a look at influencer marketing, and it happens to run a lot deeper than your favorite celebrity in a Pepsi commercial. Influences can also take the form of industry experts, professionals within the field, and even average consumers. This reminded me of my work with Kerecis, as we sign influencers within the medical field under a different name. We call them Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), and they are typically doctors or surgeons that promote our products through presentation, testimonial, and case studies. I always knew there was a contract attached to their signings, but am just now understanding their role as influencers. As a rapidly growing company, these KOLs hold a huge value, as we send them across their respective nations to present on our behalf, typically with outstanding results.

    My favorite portion of this chapter was the influencer strategy creation section. Despite being correct in the assumption that it is similar to a traditional marketing campaign, I was interested to hear that it differs in a few crucial ways. When considering an influencer there are several attributes that you have to select like their popularity (the more popular, the more expensive), what social media platforms they use, and their. Once these targets are set, there are numerous ways to incentivize promotions ranging from free products to extravagant giveaways for followers.

As the last chapter I will be blogging about this semester, I would like to take the opportunity to say thank you to all of my loyal readers. I have been up late at night and early in the morning to create these ramblings , and I've enjoyed it every step of the way.


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