
Showing posts from October, 2022

Chapter 9: Leading with LinkedIn

 Having joined LinkedIn as a freshman, I have a decent amount of experience with the platform, using it for connecting with bosses and finding potential internships. With this predisposition, I did not see much space for marketing on LinkedIn outside of trying to appeal to the workforce. In truth, the platform is a safe haven for B2B marketing and improving professional visibility. LinkedIn also has a reputation as the most trustworthy platform, an important virtue as we step into the world of fake news. The LinkedIn algorithm is a unique one, prioritizing those within your network and personal interests. The layers of connection within the platform help to fuel this, showing who we are close with professionally and showing many of our interests. Personally, the connections show my interest in the biotech industry, and the platform presents jobs, content, and groups based around this market segment. The advertising algorithm is equally unique, prioritizing relevancy over profit. This d

Week 10: Live Tweets from Columbus!

 On Tuesday, I had the wonderful opportunity to head down to Columbus to live tweet from a game between the Columbus Blue Jackets and Arizona Coyotes. Making it in just before puck drop, we got to our seats and settled into our seats in the upper bowl. Playing the puck more efficiently in the first period, Arizona broke away to a 2-0 lead. This ultimately swelled to five before the Jackets were able to get on the board, as their offensive entry was sluggish. They often tried to carry the puck into the zone, resulting in stalled attacks and poor shots. Midway through the game Columbus changed goalies, but did not find themselves in any better position. Ultimately, the game finished 6-3, and the dozens of Coyotes fans in attendance went home happy. Throughout the game I sent out tweets highlighting the goals and ends of periods, allowing fans not able to watch the game to keep up. Personally, I enjoyed live tweeting, as it gave me a view into producing tweets for events, especially in sp

Week 9: Fallball Finale

 The highlight of the past week or so for me was definitely the Orange and White scrimmage we hold every year to end our fall practice season, fallball. This game is one of our offseason high points, with parents and alumni from across the country coming to Ada to see how the team is shaping up.  At the onset, White jumped out to an early 3-1 lead, extending it to 5-1 midway through the second quarter. By half, Orange had pulled back within striking distance at 6-4. In the end, White prevailed in a tight game 7-6. After the game, I got to see my family and the alumni, which always comes with alot of talk about the game. Afterwards, I had them over to show my sister the apartments she could live in at ONU, then we went our separate ways for the night. After sending them off Sunday after breakfast, I got to catching up on some long overdue work. Other than this, the week has been a much needed reset. My roommate and I have taken an initiative to get the room back in order, which we had k

Chapter 8: Social Push on Pinterest

 Having never used Pinterest personally, I have always viewed it as an irrelevant social media platform targeted at my parents and grandparents. I could not have been more wrong.  In reality, Pinterest is a platform that pound-for-pound outpunches it's competition, due to its use by those looking for activities. This makes it easy for a company to easily slide in an ad or link to their site to complete a sale, Statistically, Pinterest holds a unique user demographic, with a majority of American users and a heavy female population. Despite having less than 500 million users, Pinterest makes up for its small size with purchasing power. 93% of Pinners plan to make purchases and that 87% of Pinners have purchased because of the platform. With these two axes in mind, it quickly becomes apparent that Pinterest is a dream platform for female retail brands, specifically in clothing. As a non user, I found the boards concept really interesting, as I have often complained that more mainstrea

Week 8: Fall Break in Ohio

 Being a native New Yorker, I've always taken advantage of the four day break to run home and reconnect with family and friends. This break had a bit of a different tune. On Thursday, my best friend, Andrew, made the six and a half hour trip down from Rochester, New York to stay for the break. Taking the night off to catch up with him was great, as we've gone from seeing each other daily to meeting quarterly.  On Friday, we took off for Columbus, where we met up with a group of friends for the night. On the way down I was able to introduce him to canes, which his girlfriend (from Cleveland) had been raving about. After meeting up with Sophie, we took him on a tour of "the premier midwestern school" in the words of one of her friends that was with us. Saturday we hung around most of the day, waiting for the Declan McKenna concert later that night. In truth, this was why Andrew had made the trip, as the small time indie star has been one of our favorite artists for year

Chapter 7 Analysis: Snapchat

Starting much like Facebook, Snapchat began on a college campus, under the pseudonym "Picaboo". Quickly relaunched under the Snapchat name the following September, the app has only blown up from there. Despite having an unconventional format of posting for businesses, Snapchat offers some unique and remarkable features that allow brands to connect with consumers, even going so far as to mention the "cool factor" of making marketing efforts on the platform. When comparing various platforms on scale, Snapchat immediately looks like a much smaller market at only around 500 million users. It makes up for this by being able to target a younger demographic (over 60% of users are 25 or younger) and having an extremely productive ads, receiving twice the visual attention as Facebook ads, and a considerable amount more than other platforms. There are multiple unique ways for companies to advertise using Snapchat, but I'd like to focus on Landmarks and their potential mar

Chapter 6 Analysis: Thoughts on Twitter

 Having recently joined Twitter, this chapter was the most interesting to me thusfar, as it was filled with tips that can help me personally use the app. Furthermore, the company I oresently do work for has a large presence on the platform, so I spend a decent bit of my time working on Twitter postings. Typically I make evergreen content, but occasionally I'm able to make more broad posts about. Depending less upon photo content, the Components of a Tweet section caught my eye. Showing the various types of posting and the tagging necessary, the section shows us the advantages of the unique setup. By putting the emphasis on the caption, brands and people are likely to have their voices and message heard more clearly. This immediately rolled into the algorithm section, where we now see a complex algorithm that considers recency, relevance, engagement, graphics, followers, and even location to the user.  For me, the most interesting section of the chapter was the Success Stories, as i

Week 7: Feline Friend

 The past week for me has been relatively uneventful, with the exception of my good friends new cat, Gnocchi. Knowing Roman for a bit, it was a real surpise to hear he was thinking about getting a cat, and downright shocking that he made his mind up so quickly. Within two days, I was over to meet him, and he's quite sweet. I've been stopping by his house regularly to see him, and we've bonded quickly. Outside of this, practices have been going well and I can see the team beginning to truly gel together. Over the weekend, we held double duty for concessions, with football and women's soccer having games at the same time. It was great to see half of the team come together to help those teams out, and make some money for our program as well. Planning to go to Jamaica in January 2024 as a team, every penny counts.  On the professional front, I've been looking at internships for next summer in Europe. Having already gotten a background in international business working w