Week 7: Feline Friend

 The past week for me has been relatively uneventful, with the exception of my good friends new cat, Gnocchi. Knowing Roman for a bit, it was a real surpise to hear he was thinking about getting a cat, and downright shocking that he made his mind up so quickly. Within two days, I was over to meet him, and he's quite sweet. I've been stopping by his house regularly to see him, and we've bonded quickly.

Outside of this, practices have been going well and I can see the team beginning to truly gel together. Over the weekend, we held double duty for concessions, with football and women's soccer having games at the same time. It was great to see half of the team come together to help those teams out, and make some money for our program as well. Planning to go to Jamaica in January 2024 as a team, every penny counts.

 On the professional front, I've been looking at internships for next summer in Europe. Having already gotten a background in international business working with Icelanders, I want to take the step towards gaining true international experience. Being English first language with a background in Spanish, I've had success finding opportunities in Spain, Italy, and France. 


  1. I have been on the verge of getting a cat for so long! Reading this might have convinced me. Thank you!


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