Chapter 8: Social Push on Pinterest

 Having never used Pinterest personally, I have always viewed it as an irrelevant social media platform targeted at my parents and grandparents. I could not have been more wrong.  In reality, Pinterest is a platform that pound-for-pound outpunches it's competition, due to its use by those looking for activities. This makes it easy for a company to easily slide in an ad or link to their site to complete a sale,

Statistically, Pinterest holds a unique user demographic, with a majority of American users and a heavy female population. Despite having less than 500 million users, Pinterest makes up for its small size with purchasing power. 93% of Pinners plan to make purchases and that 87% of Pinners have purchased because of the platform. With these two axes in mind, it quickly becomes apparent that Pinterest is a dream platform for female retail brands, specifically in clothing.

As a non user, I found the boards concept really interesting, as I have often complained that more mainstream platforms don't let me divide my content. The boards allow the user to separate their content, finding what they want, where they want. The numerous formats also play well for marketing, allowing brands to present collections of items, respond to consumers directly with Takes, and even Product Pins to sell directly to their site. The shopping feature is even streamlined to produce more sales.



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