Summer of Midnight Sun - Chapter Thirteen: Q and A

 Throughout my return from Iceland, everyone has had a billion questions. From food to weather and government to people, I've had to act as an ambassador of sorts for the country. In this chapter, I aim to answer the three most commonly asked questions.

1.) Does it still get dark in Summer?

Despite the famous addage about being the "land of the midnight sun", there was still a good bit of darkness. The closer to Midsommar we were, the days would be almost nothing but sun. In August however, winter began to creep in as we saw 6 hours of darkness daily.

2.) Do Icelanders speak English? 

Yes, and probably better than Americans. Iceland has an English literacy rate above 95%, meaning I was able to live their without learning another language.

Follow up: Do they have their own language?

Yes again. They speak Icelandic, a language isolate of Old Norse that is the closest living version of the language.

3.) What about home did you miss the most?

For me, trees. There's something comforting about hiking in a forest, having grown up in the Adirondacks. Being somewhere with less than 2% treecover was very alienating.


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