Weeks One and Two: Swing of Things

After taking a couple of days to get settled into my new home in Ada, classes had snuck up on me and suddenly I was waking up at 8am to get the weekly newsletter out. syllabus week had begun. In my first two days, it was mostly familiar faces. 

On Tuesday, we began our lifting schedule for the season at Dial-Roberson Stadium. The first few are always a little tougher than usual due to the tempo and focus that comes with it. We always joke with the coaches about music in the weight room, but I've only heard it once here. Thankfully, we were able to hit the ground running in lift group two, bringing good energy to the room by motivating each other, getting our return to campus off to a great start!

Later on in the week, some of the guys on the team got together to go out to play pickup lacrosse, which was extremely refreshing for me. Having spent my summer living mostly alone in Virginia, working and lifting to improve, it was so good to have the boys back. Afterwards, some of us went down to Jalapeños for dinner, which is always a good time.

The highlight of my week however, was helping with the Punt, Pass Kick USA tournament held in Ada this past weekend. Helping judge the punts, passes and kicks of boys and girls between the ages of eight to fifteen years old was a great way to give back to the community, and some spend time with my teammates. I was also impressed to see a fifteen year old kick a ball farther than I ever have, even if it puts me to shame...

Great to be back! 


  1. Adjusting back to campus life is no easy feat, but it is also great to connect with everyone again. Encouraging your team in the weight room and judging the punt contest were not only great ways to serve the community, but also a great reflection of what Ohio Northern stands for. I hope you continue to get back into the swing of things and have a great semester!

  2. I agree that adjusting back to college is a hard thing to do, especially after spending all summer not doing schoolwork. But once you get in the swing of things, it all gets a little easier to get motivated towards school.

  3. Hi Gabe. Even though it was in high school, my swim team also seemed to always have distain for what workout music our coaches chose. The music got so many complaints by both the athletes and others who used the gym we practiced in that the coaches handed the music choices to the athletes. The Punt, Pass Kick USA tournament sounded like a very fulfilling experience. I am sure the kids were happy that college football players attended the event. Some of the kids might have looked up to you guys. Volunteering for an event that has to do with the sport you enjoy must have made the experience fun for both you and the kids.


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