Week 6: The Fallball Squeeze

 As our fall practiecs have gotten underway, I have found myself under a massive time crunch that my class has joked about for the past two years as "The Fallball Squeeze". It has seemed that practices seem to start right as classes start to get serious, and we quickly have to whip ourselves into shape.

The highlight of my week was without a doubt the Alumni Game and the festivities surrounding it. With two days of practice behind us, a new look team stepped out under the lights Friday night to face the alumni. After falling into a quick 3-1 hole, we quickly rebounded, and ended up beating the alumni 12-9. Afterwards I got to see my family and all of my friend who have stepped into the real world. On Saturday, I got food with my family again, and dressed to the nines for our Alumni Banquet, where the outgoing class is recognized for one last time. My first couple years, I had not had the opportunity to meet many of the essential people in past classes, and it was good to have friends to catch up with.

Another interesting note regarding the Alumni Game was that my friend, Kanamu, came to the game to check lacrosse out. Being from Japan, a place where the sport is only just now gaining traction in universities, he had never seen lacrosse first hand. I view growing the game as one of my responsibilities as a player, so it was great to introduce him! My biggest win for the week was helping to facilitate my sisters visit to ONU. I helped her meet with a senior nursing major, and she has opened up to the potential of following in my footsteps down the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Business route. Rumor has it she is more that likely going to be a Polar Bear.

Go Bears!


  1. That sounds like a great week spent with friends, teammates, and family! It is always a great opportunity to meet with people who are in a different part of their lives than yourself and gain a new perspective. I am sure speaking with the alumni opened a new perspective of life. It is great that you realize that the sport you are playing can impact far more people than just yourself. I hope your friend is inspired to try and play lacrosse.


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