Chapter 1 Analysis: More of the Same – Social Media Here for Good

After reading the first chapter, many of my biases from working within a social media team have been confirmed, as this chapter is littered with statistic after statistic speaking on the growth and reach of both the internet and social media. I did, however, find it interesting that there were more cell phone users in the world than internet users, which implies that there is still room for the internet, and with it social media to grow.

I also enjoyed the perspective given on social media marketing, as many of these figures were new to me. The statistics demonstrated that there is a direct correlation between the practice and increased lead generation, sales, brand loyalty and improved consumer experiences.


An Ah-Ha moment I had during my reading of the text was in section 6, where paid media, earned media and owned media were differentiated from each other. I was familiar with paid and owned media, but assumed that earned media would have fallen under owned, rather than being its own category. Throughout this chapter, there were many Duh moments, as I didn’t find much new to ponder. I hope that chapter two is more enticing.


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